For this image, I used mentionmapp. I can see my network being both organic and strategic. I have organic ties to my friends that I interact with on twitter such as @livethismoment and @stillsnapshot but at the same time my ties with @courosa is more strategic (although the pictures of his children and funny videos he posts aren’t too bad either) as he frequently posts educational resources and links that catch my interest and make me think. I also have colleagues from the OLTD program in my network which are for the most part strategic as I have a feed going on my hootsuite for #oltd and now #oltd506 which allows me to gain more professional ideas and resources from them.
From my understanding of the Lankshear & Knobel (2011) reading, strong ties are with people that we consider friends and have face to face connections with and the weaker ties are our acquaintances. If this were the case then I could look at my map and say that my strong ties start on the left hand side of the map and move toward my weakest on the right. Still_snapshot and LisaJRempel are very good friends of mine and I talk to them quite regularly, they would also be the most “organic” part of my map. When looking at the map I have Jeankloppenburg and courosa in the middle which I would say is a great representation as I sometimes talk to Jean outside of class and the same goes for coursa. Finally JEJacek and Laura3Mann are colleagues from this program that
I interact with mostly on a strategic level though twitter but at the same time
although the last four are weaker than the first two, I connect on an
educational level. If you were to look at the map as an educational tool rather
than a purely personal one, the “strong ties” would become weak and at the same
time the “weak ties” would become strong. If that makes sense?
From my understanding of the Lankshear & Knobel (2011) reading, strong ties are with people that we consider friends and have face to face connections with and the weaker ties are our acquaintances. If this were the case then I could look at my map and say that my strong ties start on the left hand side of the map and move toward my weakest on the right. Still_snapshot and LisaJRempel are very good friends of mine and I talk to them quite regularly, they would also be the most “organic” part of my map. When looking at the map I have Jeankloppenburg and courosa in the middle which I would say is a great representation as I sometimes talk to Jean outside of class and the same goes for coursa. Finally JEJacek and Laura3Mann are colleagues from this program that
I interact with mostly on a strategic level though twitter but at the same time
although the last four are weaker than the first two, I connect on an
educational level. If you were to look at the map as an educational tool rather
than a purely personal one, the “strong ties” would become weak and at the same
time the “weak ties” would become strong. If that makes sense?